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PRODIGY BOWLERS TOUR is the creation of USBC Silver Coach Randy Brown.  Originally conceived as a way to promote the youth bowling league for which Randy served as Volunteer Youth Director at Brunswick Zone Roswell (now renamed Bowlero Roswell) from 2015 thru 2021 (and coached starting in 2012), the show quickly caught on and started to attract a growing worldwide audience.  When the show began in September 2016, the BrownswickBowling channel on YouTube where the PRODIGY videos are hosted had only about 30 subscribers.  By Christmas of 2016, just three months after the show debuted, over a thousand people had subscribed to the channel to watch a group of youth bowlers in Roswell, Georgia that very few people outside of the youth bowling community in metro Atlanta had ever heard of.

Fast forward to today and the channel now has over 19-thousand subscribers and has received nearly 9-million views since PRODIGY BOWLERS TOUR began in the Fall of 2016.

When I'm asked "What is PRODIGY BOWLERS TOUR?" I usually answer this way:  PRODIGY is a made-for-YouTube "TV" program that showcases youth bowlers in competition.  PRODIGY is not really a "tour" at all.  We don't run any bowling tournaments, and the PRODIGY events you used to watch on YouTube were mostly "Unofficial, Informal and Impromptu After League Challenge Matches" that were staged for the purpose of exposing our youth bowlers to the pressure of tournament competition, but in an open play environment.

Since moving to the Kansas City area in the Fall of 2021, PRODIGY BOWLERS TOUR has changed somewhat.  With a glut of bowling centers in the Atlanta area, it was easy to find plenty of lanes where we could stage our little after-league fake tournaments on Saturday afternoons.  But since the show's creator, Randy Brown, moved to his hometown of Kansas City, he's found that bowling centers aren't as plentiful.  As a result, the ones that still remain in operation stay quite busy.  So there aren't lanes available on a weekly basis to put on our little faux tournaments every week.

So, to keep PRODIGY going, we've partnered with the Kansas City Open (KCO, for short), a tournament group that stages at least one youth bowling tournament each month from September through June.  We covered their 2021-22 season ending KCO Invitational in June, 2022 as a way of introducing the Kansas City youth bowling community to PRODIGY.  And now, as the 2022-23 season is underway, PRODIGY BOWLERS TOUR is covering their tournament each month.

The Kansas City Open holds these tournaments on the first Sunday of each month, and the competition is divided into 5 divisions, based on a player's average.  Division 1 is the division with players whose average is 200 and higher, and we'll cover their stepladder finals each month.  And then for our "undercard" show each month, we'll cover one of the other divisions so that all kids in the field will have a chance to be on PRODIGY BOWLERS TOUR at least a time or two throughout the year.

Included in each episode of the show, if I can sprinkle in a few coaching tips here and there that might help both the kids who appear on the show as well as our viewers, so much the better.  The show was originally meant to promote our youth leagues in Georgia, but PRODIGY took on a life of its own, and today the show has fans in all 50 states and around the world.  The kids who appear on PRODIGY and travel out of state to compete in scholarship tournaments have routinely reported that fans of the show have approached them, asking for their autograph or requesting to take a selfie with them.  Some of these kids have become rock stars in the youth bowling community.

Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, production of PRODIGY BOWLERS TOUR was suspended following our 118th episode, which was filmed back in February 2020.  But as a handful of kids returned to the lanes a few months later before the show's producer was willing to do so, they shot their own footage and the producer edited it, which gave birth to what became known as the PRODIGY BOWLERS *YOU* TOUR, where YOU film it, and WE produce it.  Now that we're back on a regular schedule of producing the show each month, the YOU TOUR has been shelved for the time being.

Coach Randy spends upwards of 35 to 40 hours a week editing each of these PRODIGY episodes, and enjoys every minute of it.

To watch PRODIGY BOWLERS TOUR, all you need is an internet connection.  Go here and you'll find our channel.

If you enjoy what we do and you want to support the work that goes into the creation of these shows, please consider becoming a PRODIGY Patron.  For just $5 a month, you'll get early access to all the new episodes of PRODIGY before they're released to the general public.  And for $10 a month, you'll not only get early access to the shows, but you'll even get your name listed in the show's end credits as an Executive Producer.  To sign up and become a PRODIGY Patron, click HERE to go to our Patreon page.

Here are a few of my favorite episodes of the show:

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PRODIGY BOWLERS TOUR -- 2023 KCO March Points Tournament Division 1

PRODIGY BOWLERS TOUR -- 2023 KCO March Points Tournament Division 1

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PRODIGY BOWLERS TOUR -- 04-13-2019 -- PRODIGY 2x2, Volume 01

PRODIGY BOWLERS TOUR -- 04-13-2019 -- PRODIGY 2x2, Volume 01

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PRODIGY BOWLERS TOUR -- 07-20-2019 -- For Littles Only

PRODIGY BOWLERS TOUR -- 07-20-2019 -- For Littles Only

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© 2016-2023 by Randy Brown.  All rights reserved.

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